International Relations


Singapore Management University (SMU)

Good news from the Singapore Management University (SMU)! On 24 March 2022, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong gave a national address to announce the relaxation of Singapore’s COVID-19 measures.

As mentioned by Prime Minister Lee in his address, Singapore is “now ready to take a decisive step forward towards living with COVID-19”.

With the relaxation of measures, your students will now benefit from joining our SMU Global Summer Programme (GSP) 2022. In case you missed our previous email, this four-week programme, themed ‘Asian Insights’, will be held on-campus from 27 June to 22 July 2022.

Key changes to Singapore’s COVID-19 measures from 29 March 2022

The following changes will be made, which will improve your students’ experience in Singapore.

Why is GSP and Asian insights beneficial for your students and your institution?

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asia will become increasingly important as an engine of growth, and by 2030 the Asian economy will be larger than that of the USA and EU’s combined.

Gaining Asian insights will enable your students to know how to ride on Asia’s massive potential in their future career, helping them to achieve a holistic global education at your institution.

Please help us share this opportunity with your students!

Application for GSP 2022 will close on 10 April 2022 (Singapore Standard Time, GMT+8) and your students can apply directly on our website. Our e-brochure can be downloaded here.

Best regards

Global Summer Programme Team

Singapore Management University


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Description automatically generatedWe are pleased to invite students to join the SMU Global Summer Programme (GSP) 2022!Date: 27 June to 22 July 2022 (4 weeks)Theme: Asian InsightsWhy are Asian Insights important and useful for you?According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asia will become increasingly important as an engine of growth, and by 2030 the Asian economy will be larger than that of the USA and EU’s combined. With our world becoming increasingly connected, Asian insights will empower you with the necessary knowledge to tap on Asia’s massive potential in your future career!Benefits of joining GSP in Singapore this summer!Participate in enriching company visits and field trips. We have lined up several interesting visits for GSP 2022!Explore the city freely with your friends with the relaxation of COVID-19 measures.Make friends from all around the world!FIND OUT MORE! Application deadline: 10 April 2022, 2359hrs (Singapore Standard Time, GMT+8)   More information on GSP!Choose up to 2 courses from 8 specially curated courses!Click here to find out more about the available courses and their course outlines. Participate in our wide range of activities!Click here for some activities our students participated in the previous GSP runs. Hear from our GSP alumni!Read more here to find out what our alumni enjoyed about our programme. Programme feesLearn more about the programme fees here.Logo

Description automatically generated with low confidenceGet a copy of our GSP 2022 e-brochureClick here to download.