If there is one in person event not to miss this year, make sure it is the 27th edition of Online Educa Berlin, which will take place in less than 6 weeks from December 1 – 3, 2021 in Berlin.
This year’s conference and exhibition promises to be even more relevant than in previous years and will be bringing together the global community of digital learning experts, international educators, L&D professionals, EdTech entrepreneurs, policy makers and many many more to join in on the discussion of our future learning landscape. Have a look who will be attending and register here.
OEB is the global, cross-sector conference on technology-supported learning and training since 1995 and offers a rich conference programme, an accompanying exhibition and a unique opportunity for face-to-face networking and relationship-building with fellow learning pioneers, practitioners and experts in the digital learning sphere.
It kicks off with 13 pre-conference workshops, followed by an exciting embodied learning Plenary which will set the scene on Wednesday, December 1 and continues with four more plenary sessions with illustrious keynote speakers and over 80 break-out sessions on Thursday, December 2 and Friday, December 3.
You can find the full programme with 200+ speakers and highlighted learning experiences and activities on our website.
The accompanying exhibition will feature leading international organisations offering digital learning solutions. If you would like to join as an exhibitor or sponsor this year, please contact us marketing@oeb.global for information on any remaining sponsorship packages and booths.
In the past 19 months we have been connected and learning online, but OEB is the much-awaited event this year that will discuss digital education in person. Don’t miss it. Be a part of it. We look forward to welcoming you back to Berlin this December.
For practical information and to book your ticket visit our website.