International Relations



2021, June

20, June , 2021

Appel à communication AUF “Assises de la Francophonie scientifique”

POUR INFORMATION ET DIFFUSION-------------------------------------------------------------- Appel à communication AUF "Assises de la Francophonie scientifique" Date limite : 30 juin 2021 pour les thématiques…
3, June , 2021

International call for projects AUF COVID-19.2

Dear All, As part of its COVID-19 plan, AUF launched from April 10 to May 5, 2020, the first international…
1, June , 2021

5th international mediterranean forum 29-30 October 2021

Dear Professor, On behalf of the Organization Board of the Mediterranean Forum to be held at the University Sarajevo School…

2021, April

25, April , 2021

International Research Scholars in Technology from IIT Hyderabad  india

Dear colleagues Greetings We are happy to let you know that the Application deadline for Fellowship for International Research Scholars…